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Friday, August 27, 2010

Amazing Fitness Training Tip Burns Fat Fast

If you've been trying to exercise to lose weight and the results just are not coming, than this will be the most important article you've ever read.

Here's why. I'm going to share with you an amazing fitness training tip that works like gangbusters.  It will literally "kick-start" your result the very second you begin applying it.  And don't worry, it's very simple to use. Anyone can do it.

I have used this fitness training tip with my clients for a long long time and they report phenomenal results from following it. So you can rest assured that it works.
Plus... Its really really easy.

OK. So let's begin.
Typically, what most people do when they are trying to lose weight is either walk or jog around the block or on a treadmill.  I can tell you that this is not the optimal way to get results.  The reason is because there is no intensity.  The keyword for getting great results when you exercise is intensity.

Get this...
A workout that is shorter, but has far more intensity, is almost always going to give you better results then just walking or doing something similar to that.  Basically, here's what you want to do.

Take whatever exercise you are currently doing and simply ratchet up the intensity. You want to be sweating and breathing heavy.  Now, the best way that I've found to do this is by using what is called interval training. This really helps with the intensity.

Let me explain...
Most people will simple do steady state training... this means they perform their exercise at a steady, consistent speed.  Well, interval training is the exact opposite. Basically you will get on the treadmill and exercise super intense for like a minute. Then take a minute break. Then get back on and do it again. You can repeat that cycle as many times as you like.

Now, the time delays can vary. The most important thing to remember is that interval training is short bursts of intense exercise followed by short rest periods.

I can tell you, that when you follow this fitness training tip you will be really sweating and breathing heavy. And this is good because you'll burn way more fat.

Now, like I said, you can apply this interval training to practically any exercise you are currently doing. So it's very very simple and I know if you do it you should get some dynamite results quick.

Article by: Jason Clemens

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